Thursday, January 5, 2012

My First Attempts

Our children are so good at sharing.  When her son was born, our youngest daughter decided to blog every day of the first year of his life and, when that first year was over, she decided to keep going.  It is such a joy reading her blogs. 

Our son also started a blog.  It was very deep and insightful, but either I'm doing something wrong when checking his blog (and I keep forgetting to ask him about it) or it's true that he hasn't posted a blog for some time.

Our oldest daughter doesn't blog (that I'm aware of) but she is quite active on Facebook (as are the other two), so it's still fun to keep up with the goings on in her life as well.

Ok... all that being said, I don't claim to be a great writer, nor am I dedicated enough to say I'll absolutely blog every day, but with their inspiration, I thought I'd try my hand at putting thoughts online to share with anyone who may want to read them.

So, for this first blog, I'd like to explain the title of my blogspot site... Jesus is My Heart's Melody.  OK, I guess, it really doesn't need much explanation.  But, Jesus has always been my first love.  I fell in love with Him as a child and have tried to follow His loving, guiding hand ever since.  His Holy Spirit whispers to my heart and, at times, the joy overwhelms me to the point where music continues to flow through me.

When I was a little girl, my father built a huge swing set in our backyard.  This was a homemade swing so it wasn't the traditional 5-6 ft. tall.  I'm not sure exactly how tall it was (since, as a child, everything was big) but I can honestly say it had to be more than 8 feet tall because it towered over the 6 foot fence surrounding the backyard and, even as an adult, a person could swing high into the air without worries of hurting themselves. 

Anyway, one of my favorite songs was (and still is) "He Keeps Me Singing" (Now days, this hymn has been retitled as "There's Within My Heart a Melody" which is the first line of the song).  Our home was a corner house on a very busy 4 lane blvd.  Across the side street were two sets of Santa Fe Railroad tracks and behind our house (just past the alley and strip of vacant lot) was the freeway.  If I wasn't riding my bike, or sitting in the shade of the overpass with my best friend, you could find me happily swinging away and singing my favorite song while waving at passing train engineers.

Not only is Jesus the melody in my heart, He is my constant joy.  Over and over, I can hear Him saying, "Fear Not", "I am with you", "Peace", "Be Still", no matter what else is happening in the hubbub that we call life.