Thursday, April 19, 2012

Jesus Never Fails

Ok... I've had some unusual thoughts this morning but I think they are coming into focus...

Have you ever taken time to listen to the sounds of the sunrise? They are just as beautiful as the vision itself. The birds seem to all be "talking" at once. If you truly listen, you can hear several different types of birds... some close, some in the distance... and it's like they are all singing a beautiful song to God with melody, harmony, and echos of praise. And I've heard this beautiful chorus even when the sun is not shining. It's as if all nature knows that a new day has begun and they just have to burst into song praising God. They don't know what is in store for the day, they're just happy it's here.

Then the sounds of dogs barking tries to disrupt the chorus. But the birds don't care, they know the dogs can't harm them or steal their joy so they just keep singing... some of them, even louder than before.

So, in my mind, I likened the dogs to satan... he tries to disrupt our praise, he tries to steal our joy but, we need to be like the birds and just ignore him. Don't even give him credit because that's what he wants. We need to just keep praising God for whatever the day has in store for us because the day comes as a gift from the Lord.

That brings me to the melody that fills my heart today...

Jesus never fails!
Jesus never fails!
You might as well get thee behind me satan
you cannot prevail because
Jesus never fails!

Friday, April 13, 2012

In Christ Alone

During this morning's devotions, this song came to mind - "In Christ Alone" written by Shawn Craig / Don Koch

In Christ alone will I glory
Though I could pride myself in battles won
For I've been blessed beyond measure
And by His strength alone, I overcome
Oh, I could stop and count successes
Like diamonds in my hands
But those trophies could not equal
To the grace by which I stand

In Christ alone will I glory
For only by His grace I am redeemed
And only His tender mercy
Could reach beyond my weakness to my need
Now I seek no greater honor than just to know Him more
And to count my gains but losses
To the glory of my Lord


I place my trust
And find my glory in the power of the cross
In every victory let it be said of me
My source of strength, my source of hope
Is Christ alone

At times, I can't help but feel pride in our children and their families. We have 3 wonderful children who are all devoted to Christ. And 3 wonderful "in-love" children who are just as devoted. But why should I take glory or pride in them? They have always belonged to God and it's only by His mercy and the calling of His Holy Spirit that they are the wonderful, talented, people they are... it's nothing special that I or my husband have done.

And God has blessed us with Eight beautiful grandchildren so far (who are all growing way too quickly by the way).

But this journey of life is not always easy. Sure we have not had to deal with some of the pain and loss, the tragedies and illnesses that friends have dealt with but we know that "there but for the grace of God, go I". In other words, we are just as vulnerable and tragedy could strike at any moment.

But do we live in fear? No, because we have God on our side... He alone is my strength and my stronghold. No matter what life brings, God is there. He will never leave me or forget about me. In fact, he carries me, sings over me, and glories in my praise. So, I can count on Him to carry me through any "storms" in life that might come and I definitely give Him credit for any "victory" and every blessing in my life.

To God be the Glory... to GOD be the Glory... to GOD BE THE GLORY... for the things HE has done! In Christ alone I find my strength and hope.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Because He Lives

God sent his son
They called him Jesus
He came to love
Heal and forgive
He lived and died
To buy my pardon
An empty grave
Is there to prove
My Savior lives

Because he lives
I can face tomorrow
Because he lives
All fear is gone
Because I know
He holds the future
And life and is worth the living
Just because he lives

The empty grave is reason to celebrate and rejoice. The resurrection was God's receipt for the payment Jesus paid on the cross for my sins... my account was stamped, "Paid in full".  And, because He is risen, my death will not be final.  

If we could view the resurrection as if we were seeing it for the first time, we would party like we'd never partied before.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow! Are you living with the same assurance and joy in your heart today?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

This is my Father's World

Last night, I was continuing my reading of "7" by Jen Hatmaker, and she mentioned a quote from Wendell Berry about how "God made the world because he wanted it made. He deemed it good and He loves it". Then, a little bit later, she compared the consumptionism (or lack of caring about the ecological effects of our everyday life) to not caring for a child's artwork. After all, they created it, they deemed it good, and they love you enough to give it to you. These thoughts immediately brought to mind the song from childhood: This is my Father's World.

This is my Father's world
And to my listening ears
All nature sings and round me rings
The music of the spheres.

While I agree, God put us on this earth as caretakers of His creation, I still think that some (not Jen, but some) take this to the extreme. Especially since some that are involved in "saving mother earth" don't ackowledge God or His creation (or they wouldn't call it "Mother Earth"). We should be recycling, gardening, avoiding litter because we are good stewards of what God has entrusted to us... not because we think we can reverse any damage that has been done to the O-zone layer.

After all, God is in control and while we may slow things down, when God's timing is right, He plans to make a new heaven and a new earth. It's not like we should try to speed things up by destroying this one but we shouldn't be delusional enough to think we can "save" it either.

I guess I'm just rambling this morning but it does bother me when government and peer pressure dictate what we should do rather than our own conscious desire to take care of and enjoy what God has entrusted. We need to slow down and enjoy the beauty around us and then give praise and glory to the One who created it for His enjoyment.

This is my Father's world
Oh, and let me never forget
That though the wrong seems oft' so strong
God is the ruler yet.