Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sharing Love

The ending quote from this morning's devotion said, "Real love is helping others for Jesus’ sake even if they can never return the favor."  Hmmm.  I've thought of other things that way before... money, time, invitations to our home, etc. but never of love.  I guess it never occurred to me that there were some who are incapable of love.  

Now that I re-read those words, I see that the quote is talking about the same thing I've always heard but it did still put that thought in my mind about loving people even if they can't return the favor... I mean, sure, we help people and, by doing so, show them God's love, but we don't expect love in return...  

Honestly, at times, we get upset because the people we help just want more and are demanding like they think we have an endless supply and we should have thought of this need or that need and where is it?  Why isn't it being met?  Instead of thanking us for the things we do provide, they are looking for more... but is that really being loving on my part?  Perhaps they are uncapable of returning God's love.  After all, we aren't doing these things for earthly praise but because we are feeling called to do them for our Heavenly Father.

We need to remember... our response to God is praise and love for our neighbor.  We are only responsible for our response.  We shouldn't expect the same from those we help.

So, as we go through this journey, perhaps we should think of this quote this way... "Show God's love to others for Jesus' sake, even if they can never show it in return."  If you've got the love of Jesus down in your heart, don't leave it there... share it with those around you.

Let's shine for Jesus today.... "I've got the love of Jesus, love of Jesus, down in my heart, down in my heart, down in my heart..."  "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine!"

Friday, November 15, 2013


This week, I've had two songs going through my head.  And these aren't the usual Christian Contemporary, Praise & Worship, or Hymns that normally reside there but, instead, secular jingles.  But, God has given me new perspective for each of them and I felt He would like me to share with you what I've learned.

So, here's the first one:

"Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got
Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot
Wouldn't you like to get away?

Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name
And they're always glad you came
You wanna be where you can see our troubles are all the same
You wanna be where everybody knows your name"

Making our way does take a lot out of us but we can take a break from our worries when we lay them at the foot of the cross.  "Greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world." (1 John 4:4) and He knows our names.

Hopefully we have a small group that we meet with on a regular basis who share our burdens and know us more intimately than the general public but even without that, God knows our name... we are as numerous as the stars in the heavens... the multitude of humankind is more numerous than all the grains of sand but (and this is a huge BUT) God knows each one of us by name... He even knows the numbers of hairs on your head!  My mind can't even comprehend that truth!  So, when you're feeling dragged down by the world, what better place to hide than in the arms of Jesus.

The second song is this...

You've got to know when to hold 'em....

I don't think I need list those lyrics here in total but I will break down what the Spirit has been saying to me about this chorus:

Ecc. 3 tells us there is a time for every purpose under heaven.  We need to know when to hold our loved ones close and when to let them go.  We need to know when to hold our tongue and when to share the knowledge and truth that God has laid on our hearts.  And here are two other scriptures to go with that portion of the chorus...

You've got to know when to hold 'em:  Matt. 10:11 says, "whatever city or village you enter, inquire who is worthy in it, and stay at his house until you leave that city".

... know when to fold 'em:  Matt. 7:6 says, "Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces."

... Know when to walk away:  And Matt. 10:14 says, "Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet."

... know when to run: Genesis 39 tells the story of how Joseph fled from Potipher's wife.  He didn't just walk away or ignore her while staying in the same room, no, he fled... he ran away as quickly as his feet would carry him.  When we are faced with temptation, we need to run just as Joseph did.

... Never count your money when you're sittin' at the table:  In Luke 12, Jesus talks of a man who had great gains and so he tore down his old store houses and built bigger better ones and then, in verse 20 it says, "But God said to him, ‘You fool!  This very night your soul is required of you; and now who will own what you have prepared?’

... They'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done:  2 Cor. 5 and Rev. 22 are just a few scriptures that talk about the rewards that await us in heaven.  There is too much work for us to do here on earth... too many lost souls that need saving... hurting souls that need comfort that only we can give... we can't sit around and dwell on the good things we've done for Christ and His kingdom but we need to strive on toward the goal.  We will have all of eternity to look back on the blessings of this life.

So, there it is... two secular songs in a little more spiritual light.  I hope these thoughts bless you as they have me this week.

Friday, October 25, 2013


I woke this morning with an old favorite from NewSong on my heart:

There is nothing good in me that did not come from him
nothing I could boast of that he did not give
from the moment I cried out to him to heal my troubled soul
he welcomed me with open arms, said all that's mine is yours.

Now I will never let myself forget all he has done
how he came and rescued me and where he brought me from.

I am nothing without christ, he is everything to me!
He's the reason that I live, he is my only need.
I know I couldn't make it through
one day without jesus in my life.
I am nothing, nothing without christ.

So, then, I was reading my devotion this morning and it was all about how if we truly love God, love Christ, there is nothing that we wouldn't know about Him.  And another song started reverberating through my soul... this one from Hillsong:

Christ is my reward
And all of my devotion
Now there's nothing in this world
That could ever satisfy

Through every trial
My soul will sing
No turning back
I've been set free

Christ is enough for me
Christ is enough for me
Everything I need is in You
Everything I need

I guess today's theme is that Christ is all I need... He is enough for me and I would not be complete without Him.  Can you say the same for your life today?

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Our Awesome (Defender) God

While visiting family a few weeks ago, some of our grandchildren got me hooked on a new game. I'm not going to name it because that's not important.  But, in this game, you're defending the defensless against what seem, at times, to be unbeatable odds.  And it's caused me to think of a few things.  1) Of course, I shouldn't be playing so many games.  But 2) Although life is not a game, we do have a mighty defender who defends us against what seem, to us, to be unbeatable odds.

He is all powerful.  He is greater than anything that comes against us!  And isn't it awesome to know that He is protecting us 24/7?

"When He rolls up His sleeves
He ain't just putting on the ritz
(Our God is an awesome God)
There's thunder in His footsteps
And lightning in His fists
(Our God is an awesome God)
And the Lord wasn't joking when He kicked 'em out of Eden
It wasn't for no reason that He shed His blood
His return is very close and so you better be believing that

Our God is an Awesome God."

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Solid Rock

One of my favorite places to visit is Laguna Beach.  Watching the waves crashing against the rocks and cliffs is so beautiful.  And when you stand on those rocks you feel so invincible... the waves aren't going to touch you, no matter how ominous they look because you're standing on solid rock.  Sure, over time, even water can wear down rock.  But, in the rocks of Laguna Beach, you find life.... the tide pools in the rock are teaming with life.

Just like those rocks and tidepools, if we stand on the Solid Rock of Jesus Christ, we will be filled with life... eternal life.  And He is invincible... the waters of time will never wear Him down.  He is the Living Water.  Is He your Living Water, Daily Bread, and Solid Rock?  If not, please seek Him out today... don't wait another minute... seek Him while He may be found because a day will come when it will be too late.

"His oath, his covenant, his blood,
Support me in the whelming flood;
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand."

Friday, October 4, 2013

The Only Name

Lately, this new song by Big Daddy Weave has caught my ear, heart, and mind.  I mean, really, listen to (or read) these lyrics:

"The Only Name (Yours Will Be)"

Yours will be the only Name that matters to me
The only One Whose favor I seek
The only Name that matters to me

Yours will be
The friendship and affection I need
To feel my Father smiling on me
The only Name that matters to me

Yours is the Name the Name that has saved me
Mercy and grace the power that forgave me
And Your love is all I’ve ever needed

When I wake up in the Land of Glory
And with the saints I will tell my story
There will be one Name that I proclaim

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, just that Name

Jesus... I love, Love, LOVE, my family...  I adore my husband, all of children, and all our grandbabies that God has blessed us with but, when all is said and done, the only name that should matter to any of us is Jesus.  His is the only favor we should be seeking.  His affection and smile are the only one we need.  And although those are powerful lines... the chorus is what really grabs me...

When I wake up in the Land of Glory and with the saints I will tell my story... wow!  One day, I will open my eyes and I'll see my loved ones and most of my friends, that will be fantastic... but just think, we'll see Moses, Abraham, Stephen, Paul, Peter, Mary, and Martha, Isaiah, Daniel, David... and, of course, Jesus!  Wow... the stories that will be shared, it will be aMAZing!  

Thank you, Lord, for this blessed assurance that one day, I will wake up in the land of glory and one day I will see your smiling face.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Grace, Grace, God's Grace

The Pharisee and the Publican

And He also told this parable to some people who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and viewed others with contempt: 10 “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood and was praying this to himself: ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. 12 fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get.’ 13 But the tax collector, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, the sinner!’ 14 I tell you, this man went to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.”  Luke 18:9-14

I noticed something new in this story this morning... not only did the publican puff himself up, his prayer didn't ask for forgiveness.  It was a prayer of praise for all he had done rather than for what God had done and the scripture makes that obvious but the more subtle message is forgiveness.  Notice in vs 14 how it says, "this man went to his house justified"?  The tax collector was justified not only because of his humility before God but because he asked God for forgiveness.  He recognized his sinful state, showed a true repentent heart and asked for forgiveness.

1 John 1:9 says:

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

"Grace, grace, God's grace, Grace that will pardon and cleanse within; Grace, grace, God's grace, Grace that is greater than all our sin."

God's mercies are new every morning.  One of His mercies is that He extends grace freely and forgiveness to all who will ask.  He wants to forgive us if we'll only ask.  Seek The Lord while He may be found and ask Him to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Bless The Lord, Oh My Soul!

During my devotion today, I was reading Psalm 107 and I was struck with wonder, once again, that mankind waits until they are in dire despair before crying out to God.  God is faithful and just... He is always present and has promised never to leave us or forsake us.  Why, then, would we not long to soak in that presence every minute of every hour of every day?  Why do some wander in deserts or flounder in raging waters?  Better yet, why do some wait until then to cry out to God?

Christ died so that we might have life and have it more abundantly, not so that we could continue in our sinful ways.  His desire is to have a loving, ongoing relationship with His creation... yes, YOU!  Why wouldn't we want the same?  Instead we struggle and think we know better.  

I've wondered a similar thing through the years as I see young adults or new parents ignoring the advice of their parents.  Ok, admittedly we all make mistakes as parents but, still, don't you think we may have learned from them?  But I digress... the point is, God is our Heavenly Father so why don't we come to Him for guidance and encouragement or a loving embrace as well as help in troubled times?  All He wants is for us to ask.  

And, if you are a parent, look at things from His perspective.... isn't it harder to wait on the sidelines than to step in and clean up the mess without being asked?  God wants to be included in your life.  He's just waiting for an invitation.

"Bless The Lord, Oh my soul!  And all that is within me bless His holy name!
He has done great things... He Has Done GREAT Things... HE HAS DONE GREAT THINGS!!!!
Bless His Holy Name!"

Saturday, July 6, 2013

This song by Matthew West has been running through my head for weeks now.  I just love it because it is so powerfully true...

Hello, my name is regret 
I’m pretty sure we have met 
Every single day of your life 
I’m the whisper inside 
That won’t let you forget 

Have you ever heard that whisper?  Something that God asked you to do that you didn't do or an opportunity not taken has left you with a feeling of regret that you just can't shake?  How about defeat?  Ever felt defeated?...

Hello, my name is defeat 
I know you recognize me 
Just when you think you can win 
I’ll drag you right back down again 
‘Til you’ve lost all belief 

These are the voices, these are the lies 
And I have believed them, for the very last time 

Satan is the father of lies... he is constantly whispering over and over in our heads until we can't take it any more.  I remember seeing a drama performance "Heaven's Gates and Hell's Flames" and during one of the scenes a woman is contemplating suicide and satan is literally walking all around her whispering lies of regret and defeat.  Is this how you are living?  Being bogged down by Satan's lies?  Well, here's the good news of the song and God's story:

Hello, my name is child of the one true King 
I’ve been saved, I’ve been changed, and I have been set free 
“Amazing Grace” is the song I sing 

Hello, my name is child of the one true King 
I am no longer defined 
By all the wreckage behind 
The one who makes all things new 
Has proven it’s true 

Just take a look at my life 
What love the Father has lavished upon us 
That we should be called His children 
I am a child of the one true King

Isn't that awesome?!  If you've been born again, if you've asked Jesus into your life, if you have a relationship with Him, then you are a child of the one true King and, as scripture says, "You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world." (1 John 4:4).  

So stop listening to the lies of the devil.  Scream out and tell him to leave in the name of Jesus because you are a child of the one true King and He has made you new... He has lavished you with love and He has overcome.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Are You Washed in the Blood?

My husband and I like watching crime shows... Bones, CSI, NCIS, etc.  One thing that is remarkable is how blood is never completely washed away... it might be invisible to the naked eye but they put these chemicals on them or shine their special lights and there it is... the blood that is so incriminating.

As Christians, that is a great promise.  Being covered in the blood of Christ makes us acceptable to God... a pleasing sacrifice... a living sacrifice... and that blood, once applied, can never be washed away.  Isn't that wonderful news!

Today is Good Friday.  Although it is a sad day because it's a day of darkness... a day of remembrance... a day when we think of Jesus' death on the cross, it is also a great day.  If Jesus had not died on the cross, there would be no resurrection and without the resurrection of Jesus, there would be no promise of eternal life for you and for me.

So, here is my question today... Have you been washed in the blood?

"Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing pow'r?....
Are you fully trusting in his grace this hour?...
Are you walking daily by the Savior's side?...
Do you rest each moment in the Crucified?...
When the Bridegroom cometh will your robes be white?...
Will your soul be ready for the mansions bright?...
Lay aside the garments that are stained with sin, and be washed in the blood of the Lamb!
There's a fountain flowing for the soul unclean, O be washed in the blood of the Lamb!

Are you washed in the blood, In the soul-cleansing blood of the Lamb?
Are your garments spotless?  Are they white as snow?  Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?"

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bless The Lord, Oh My Soul!

It's so easy to become complacent in this day and age.  We see so much hardship... see so much cruelty and experience so much pain that it's easy to "live and let live".  But that isn't the life God has called us to live.  That's not the plan He has for us in Jeremiah 29:11.  In Luke 9:23 when Jesus describes what it means to "follow me", He didn't say, lay on the couch with the remote and a bowl of chips for hours on end.  No, he said we must lay down our lives and daily take up our cross.

Sometimes the things He asks us to do are easy and sometimes they seem hard.  But, no matter what it is He is asking us to do, it will never be beyond the capabilities of what He can do through us because we can do all things through Him.

This weekend I was reminded of a phrase I've heard before but it was so perfect for this weekend... God has a plan.  God invites us to be part of that plan.  But, it's not because He needs us.  See, God's plan will always come to fruition with or without us.  If we decide not to be part of God's plan, His Will will be done using someone else but we will miss out on the blessings He has for us.

Although they can be, God's blessings aren't always physical.  This weekend, my husband and I had opportunities to help friends and family.  We had opportunities to pray for and minister to a friend and when we allowed ourselves to be used and we were able to see the results of what God had asked us to do, we felt such happiness and peace.  We didn't do anything fantastic, but we did things that we had not planned for ourselves... opened our home, prayed, put on our winter clothes and went out in the cold instead of staying on the couch in front of a nice warm fire.

Then, after doing these things, we were blessed with not one, but two wonderful church services/sermons... one about the prodigal son and one about God's invitation to work in His plan from Isaiah 6:8.  And the words that have been ringing through my heart are, "Bless The Lord Oh my soul, oh oh oh my soul, and worship His Holy Name.  Sing like never before, Oh my soul, I'll worship Your Holy Name."

God is calling... He's knocking at your door... Who will go?  

"Also I heard the voice of The Lord, saying: 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?'  Then I said, 'Here am I!  Send me.'" ~ Isaiah 6:8

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Last year, being fairly new to this blogging thing, I typed out a wonderful word study of a song that God had laid on my heart but then I was so disappointed that my posting efforts didn't work that I ended up losing that note entirely and, to date, had not tried to recreate it.  But, alas, today I must because, once again, I woke to the sound of birds and thought of the song, "Morning has broken".

For those of you who don't know, we have 4 little pet birds... finches.  We started out with three but one of the three always seemed to be the outcast so, after noticing this for a few days, we went and found him a mate. 

The finches are not all the same.  We have a society finch, an orange cheeked waxbill, and two green singer finches (who, if you actually look at them, look more yellow to me).  All of them make some cute little sounds but those singers?, Oh my!  When they want to, they can sure sing.  One of the first things we noticed about them is they like to give a concert when the lights go out at night and when the lights come on in the morning.  I'll have to admit, I don't hear them much in the morning but we have the light in their cage set to a timer and when it goes out at night, they can sing for at least 3 min... most of the time they'll go on for 5 min.

Anyway, after noticing this for a while, I finally put two and two together... you may or may not remember that, last spring, I kept mentioning how I would wake to birds singing outside my window.  Well, it's nature's way of welcoming the day.  When I realized this, it reminded me of that movie "City of Angels" where the angels would greet the sunrise with reverence each morning.

So, here is what God laid on my heart with the song, "Morning has Broken":

"Morning has broken like the first morning,
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird.
Praise for the singing!  Praise for the morning!
Praise for them, springing fresh from the Word!"

Each morning is new with new mercies and new adventures... new stories to write in our pages of life and God creates day uniquely but, at the same time, with some similarity to the first dawn of creation.  We are to praise Him.  Praise Him each day.

"Sweet the rain's new fall sunlit from heaven,
Like the first dew fall on the first grass.
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden,
sprung in completeness where His feet pass."

Do you take time to meditate?  When you look at nature, it is so easy to praise God... he is the Master Creator, the most wonderful artist ever... even the rain drops are soothing and mesmerizing to watch.  And just think, when He created the garden, He didn't start with seeds planted in the soil, no, he spoke and full grown trees and plants sprang from the earth's surface.  And, He actually walked on this earth... even before He became man, He socialized with Adam and Eve on a daily basis.

"Mine is the sunlight!  Mine is the morning
born of the one light Eden saw play!
Praise with elation, praise every morning,
God's recreation of the new day!"

Let's join with the birds and praise His holy name.  In Luke 19:40, it says, "Jesus answered... 'if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out.'"  Who is louder in their praise today?  You or the nature around you?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Jesus loves *****

A few weeks ago, we were watching two of our little granddaughters and I was getting ready to sing to them before bedtime. Amie, the older of the two, requested "Jesus", Amie (or so I thought) so I asked her if she wanted to hear "Jesus Loves Me"? She shook her head yes and then I asked if she wanted to sing with me and she also shook her head yes. So, as I started singing, and she was not, I kept asking her about singing but now she was saying no. So, I thought, ok... maybe she's planning on joining on the chorus.

I got to "Yes, Jesus loves me..." and she said, "no, Amie". So, I stopped and, once again, asked if she wanted to sing with me. She said no. This happened a few times and now there were tears along with it... I was so confused... I finally moved on to a different song and she seemed to be ok so I chalked it up to a little girl being tired.

Well, last week, their mommy and daddy brought home a baby brother and, during the week, mommy mentioned that Amie had been singing "Jesus loves Gordie".... Wow! Talk about senior moments! Why didn't grandma get it several weeks ago! "Jesus loves Amie!!!" Live and learn, right?  "Jesus loves, insert name here... Now the only difficult part is, when you have three (or more) grand babies on your lap, whose name do you insert into the song? I mean, after all, Jesus loves all of us, grandmas included. I guess I should switch my bedtime song to "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world..." I could insert several names into that one.

"Yes, Jesus loves *****. Yes, Jesus loves *****. Yes, Jesus loves *****. The Bible tells me so."

Joy to the World

Obviously, this post was meant to appear before Christmas but I always use my iPad for creating and posting to my blog and I kept getting an error message each time I tried posting.  So, for those of you who may have been missing me, I think I finally got the new Blogger changes figured out and, as a test, I'm once again trying to post something that hit me before Christmas because, after all, the joy of the Christmas season should truly last all year long:

As we prepare for the Christmas celebration, are we preparing our hearts for the King?  Last night, during a time of worship, we sang the first stanza of "Joy to the World" and then the song changed to...

"Joy, unspeakable, joy!
An overflowing well..."

And I kept getting the words backward, singing...

"Joy, unspeakable, joy!
An overwhelming flow..."

But isn't it almost the same?  Not really... An overflowing well can happen slowly, even with a constant drip or dribble, but the joy we can experience, the joy that comes from a relationship with Jesus is more like an overwhelming flow, the kind of overflow that comes from a torrential rain.  It's constant and steady... Joy that makes your heart sing even when the life around you is in total chaos.  Doesn't that sound more like the joy you would want to experience?

"No more let sins and sorrows grow, nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make His blessings flow..."

Isn't that a beautiful promise?  In John 14:27, Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you."  When Jesus gives us peace, he replaces other emotions with joy... Again, doesn't this sound like something you want to experience?  You can... All we need do is ask... Ask and you shall receive... Come to Jesus today, lay your sorrows and burdens at His feet and let Him fill your heart with Joy.

"Joy to the world! The Lord has come; Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room, And heaven and nature sing..."