If I truly believe in the power of prayer, in miracles, that God is the true master physician, then why am I such a mess and going through Kleenex like water over a dam? It's because, rather than focusing on prayer, I'm holding onto anger, hurt, regret, and doubt... I'm focusing on the past, the circumstances, and the injustice, rather than focusing on the one who can erase the past, change the present, and is the one true judge.
Dear Lord,
Help me in my unbelief. Take this mess and jumble and turn it into a miracle. Reset my focus and priorities. Take control of the healing... Please, Lord, give us more time with our dad... The vibrant man we knew last week, make him whole but let him be whole here on earth so that he can be a part of his Great-Grandchildren's lives... so that they can know the man that we all love so much.
Lord, dad has been such a good earthly example of your love for us... I'm praying for a miracle... A miracle of love and grace.
"I believe in miracles
I’ve seen a soul set free,
Miraculous the change in one
Redeemed through Calvary;
I’ve seen the lily push its way
Up through the stubborn sod
I believe in miracles
For I believe in God!"