Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Beat Goes On...

Ok... so, I know I said I couldn't claim to be a regular at this but once every two months?  Really?  As my son-in-law told me this week, in order to be motivated to blog, there needs to be someone following the blog.  So, I guess, even though this is only my second post, I should let people know the thoughts are out here in case they may want to read them.  So, to those of you giving this a try, thank you and welcome.

It's amazing to me, this miracle we take for granted... this miracle of life.  Over the past 5 years, God has blessed our family with 8 grandchildren (plus a little one in heaven).  These 8 grandchildren are happy, obedient, loving, and a joy to be around.  When I hear someone yelling at a child or, almost as bad, totally ignoring them, it makes me sad.  Life is very precious and it can be taken away (or withheld altogether) at any point in time. 

Each breath is a miracle... how just the right combination of oxygen enters our body and is distributed to every organ as needed.  It's a miracle that our heart pumps this oxygen around our body using a complex system of blood vessels and an even more complex filtration system.  When I look at little tiny eyelashes, and teenie tiny finger nails, fingers, and toes, I can't help but be amazed.  Then, as these children learn to form words, put 2 and 2 together, learn to walk, and how to get their way, it amazes me even more.  How can anyone, not recognize this miracle that takes place every second of every minute, every hour of every day, every week of every year...

So, we started out just the two of us... my husband and I.  Six years later, it was a family of 5 and now, almost 34 years later, we have our three beautiful children and their wonderful spouses (who we like to claim as our own) and these eight precious grandchildren.  Even more amazing?  None of the children are talking about stopping having children any time soon... so, as I said, the beat goes on... the heartbeat of God in every breath we take.

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