Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Noise in my Head

Has the noise in your head ever been so loud you can't think?... can't sleep?... feel like you're going mad?  Well, that has been my problem lately.  I've been living with ringing in my ears for at least 8 years now.  I can't remember the exact date that it started but I do remember the event.  I went to a concert with my daughter and as part of the pre-show entertainment, they had motorcycles ina cage going round and round.... we just happened to be in the last row of chairs right beside the cage.  I remember because I had forgotten to take my ear plugs and the noises were so loud that I remember my ears were ringing even after I got home and I don't remember them silencing since.

Sure, some days it's better than others but last night it was like an orchestra of high frequency wavelengths that were tuning up for a concert mingled in with crickets.  At least that's the best way I can describe it.  It's ironic that I have this noise constantly because I used to turn off the computer on the next desk because it was making too much noise during the day (it's ok, no one was using it at the time).

So, the next time you can't get a song out of your head, be thankful that it's just a melody with words that keep repeating rather than this constant, "nails on the chalkboard" ringing sound that could be keeping you up all night.

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