Thursday, March 1, 2012

Because God cares about us, we can leave our cares with Him.

A few weeks ago, our youngest daughter gave birth to our 8th precious grand baby, our 3rd grandson. With God's hand pouring out blessings so quickly upon our family (3 new ones celebrating their first Valentine's Day this year), it's sometimes overwhelming but this kind of overwhelming love I can handle anytime.

However, I know there are sad times as well... for instance when, with each new momentous occasion we stop to think of how much my father-in-law would have enjoyed seeing this day and how much he has missed since his passing. Or the fact that my mother, while still living, will not fully realize who these babies are or even who their parents are and how they are related as she spends her days with Alzheimer's.

But we are reminded, when sorrows do come, to count our blessings for Great IS His faithfulness to those who love Him. As the song says, "...strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. Blessings all mine, with TEN THOUSAND beside." So I will continue to lift my eyes toward heaven and say, "Thank you, Father, for pouring out your love and blessings in our lives."

Psalm 69:30 "I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving."

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